Process-reliable manufacturing of bonded timber-concrete-composite elements - SafeTeCC

11 April 2023

In the previous project IGF 19417 N, the feasibility of manufacturing bonded timber-concrete-composite (TCC) using a temperature-assisted bonding technique was already demonstrated. The research objective of the new IGF project is to be able to manufacture bonded TCC in a process-safe manner suitable for construction sites and to be able to make a reliable statement on the durability of the bonded joint that is in line with existing standards from timber and concrete construction.

Bonded timber-concrete-composite elements are hybrid load-bearing structures, whereby two materials are combined in a favorable manner and the material properties are optimally exploited. Such composite elements have significantly improved properties than pure wood components in terms of vibration behavior and fire resistance duration. This opens up many new possibilities for manufacturing with a high degree of prefabrication, efficient and resource-saving use of materials, increased manufacturing quality, lower shrinkage deformations of the concrete and an optimized construction process.

The project starts in April 2023 with a planned duration of 36 months. The following research institutions are involved: Technische Universität Braunschweig - Institute for Joining and Welding Technology; University of Kassel, Department of Structural Conservation and Timber Construction and Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research, Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut WKI in Braunschweig.

Last modified on: 2023-04-19 09:42:52 UTC


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