Statement of Data Protection Conditions for the Internet

Last updated: 11th November 2015

The International Association for Technical Issues related to Wood e. V. (iVTH) takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. When we process the personal data that is collected during your visits to our Web site, we always observe the rules laid down in the applicable data protection laws. Your data will not be disclosed publicly by us, nor transferred to any third parties without your consent.

  1. Recording and processing of data in connection with access over the Internet
  2. Use and transfer of personal data
  3. Consent to use data in other contexts
  4. Orders
  5. Security
  6. Cookies
  7. Links to Web sites operated by other providers
  8. Right to information and contact data
  9. Acceptance, validity and modification of data protection conditions

1. Recording and processing of data in connection with access over the Internet

When you visit our Web site, our Web server makes a temporary record of each access and stores it in a log file. The following data are recorded, and stored until an automatic deletion date:

  • IP address of the requesting processor
  • Date and time of access
  • Name and URL of the downloaded file
  • Volume of data transmitted
  • Indication whether download was successful
  • Data identifying the browser software and operating system
  • Web site from which our site was accessed
  • Name of your Internet service provider

The purpose of recording these data is to allow use of the Web site (connection setup), for system security, for technical administration of the network infrastructure and in order to optimize our Internet service. The IP address is only evaluated in the event of fraudulent access to the network infrastructure of the iVTH. Personal user profiles are not created. However, Section 15 (3) of the Telemedia Act (TMG) permits the use of user profiles under a pseudonym for the purpose of advertising, market research and the structuring of offers in line with the user’s needs provided that the user does not object to this. Apart from the special cases cited above, we do not process personal data without first obtaining your explicit consent to do so. Pseudonymous user profiles can be created as stated under web analysis (see below).

2. Use and transfer of personal data

All use of your personal data is confined to the purposes stated above, and is only undertaken to the extent necessary for these purposes. Your data is not disclosed to third parties. Personal data will not be transferred to government bodies or public authorities except in order to comply with mandatory national legislation or if the transfer of such data should be necessary in order to take legal action in cases of fraudulent access to our network infrastructure. Personal data will not be transferred for any other purpose..

3. Consent to use data in other contexts

The use of certain services on our website, such as newsletters or discussion forums, may require prior registration and involves a more substantial processing of personal data, such as longer-term storage of e-mail addresses, user IDs and passwords. We use such data only insofar as it has been sent to us by you in person and you have given us your express prior consent for this use.

4. Orders

If you order information material via our website, we will use the address data provided only for the purpose of processing your order. Your data will not be transferred to any third parties.

5. Security

The iVTH implements technical and organizational security measures to safeguard stored personal data against inadvertent or deliberate manipulation, loss or destruction and against access by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological progress.

6. Cookies

We don’t normally use cookies on our Web site, but in certain exceptional cases we may use cookies which place technical session-control data in your browser’s memory. These data are automatically erased at the latest when you close your browser. If, exceptionally, one of our applications requires the storage of personal data in a cookie, for instance a user ID, we will point this out to you.

Of course, it is perfectly possible to consult our Web site without the use of cookies. Please note, however, that most browsers are programmed to accept cookies in their default configuration. You can prevent this by changing the appropriate setting in the browser options. If you set the browser to refuse all cookies, this may restrict your use of certain functions on our Web site

7. Links to Web sites operated by other providers

Our Web pages may contain links to other providers’ Web pages. We would like to point out that this statement of data protection conditions applies exclusively to the Web pages managed by the iVTH. We have no way of influencing the practices of other providers with respect to data protection, nor do we carry out any checks to ensure that they conform with the relevant legislation.

8. Right to information and contact data

You have a legal right to inspect any stored data concerning your person, and also the right to demand their correction or deletion, and to withdraw your consent for their further use.

In some cases, if you are a registered user of certain services provided by the iVTH, we offer you the possibility of inspecting these data online, and even of deleting or modifying the data yourself, via a user account.

If you wish to obtain information on your personal data, or want us to correct or erase such data, or if you have any other questions concerning the use of personal data held by us, please contact:

Internationaler Verein für Technische Holzfragen e.V. (iVTH)
Prof. Dr. Rainer Marutzky
Riedenkamp 3
38108 Braunschweig
Telefon: +49 531 2155-214

We might point out, that data transfer via e-mail may show security lapse. An all-over protection against access through others is not possible. Therefore, we recommend in case of confidential information using encryption of E-mail or sending it through the post.

9. Acceptance, validity and modification of data protection conditions

By using our Web site, you implicitly agree to accept the use of your personal data as specified above. This present statement of data protection conditions came into effect on October 1st, 2013.

As our Web site evolves, and new technologies come into use, it may become necessary to amend the statement of data protection conditions. The iVTH reserves the right to modify its data protection conditions at any time, with effect as of a future date. We recommend that you re-read the latest version from time to time.

Last modified on: 2023-05-22 06:50:12 UTC


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