19th Colloquium “Gemeinsame Forschung in der Klebtechnik“
(Joint Research on Adhesive Technology)

12. - 13. February 2019 in Cologne, Germany

Members of the GAK together with the junior researchers
© Franz-Josef Heise / FOSTA e. V.

The 19th colloquium “Gemeinsame Forschung in der Klebtechnik“ (Joint Research on Adhesive Technology) took place this year once again in the Maternushaus in Cologne. Around 250 participants from research and practice took part in the event staged by the GAK (Joint Committee on Adhesive Technology). The diversified conference program encompassed the main topics of surfaces and additive manufacturing, quality assurance and simulation, medical technology and wood and steel construction.

The presentations began with a demonstration of the possibilities of material mixes through bonding, using the example of the Audi A8. The challenges for bonding technology in the battery area were thereby presented. Dr. René Hensel from the Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken reported on the applicability of temporary adhesion (similar to the “adhesion” of a gecko), e.g. in technical gripping systems or in medical technology. This was followed by presentations on current research results in the field of adhesives technology. The adhesive manufacturers were also given the opportunity to introduce their products during a presentation block.

© Franz-Josef Heise / FOSTA e. V.

During the “wood session”, Nils Ratsch, University of Kassel (tff), reported on the current status of the results of the IGF project “Ganzjähriges qualitätssicheres Kleben von Gewindestangen im Holzbau” (Year-round quality assured bonding of threaded rods in timber construction). The aim of the project is a decoupling of the adhesive curing from the outside temperatures in order to enable utilization on the construction site. The IGF project “Baustellenoptimierte Schnellaushärtung im Holzbau” (Construction site-optimized rapid-curing in timber construction) has the same objective; the current status was presented by Morten Voß from the Fraunhofer IFAM in Bremen.
“Wood-concrete composite elements via application of an innovative rapid-bonding technique and the use of hardwood” is the topic of the joint IGF project undertaken by the TU Braunschweig (ifs), Uni Kassel (FHB) and the Fraunhofer WKI. Gregor Wisner (ifs) reported on the current status of the project work.

The event was accompanied by an exhibition in which adhesive manufacturers, suppliers of laboratory and analytical equipment, and research institutions presented their products, procedures and services as well as research results.

The organizer of the colloquium is the Gemeinschaftsausschuss Klebtechnik (Joint Committee on Adhesive Technology, GAK). The GAK was established in 2005 for the cross-industry evaluation of ideas for research projects. The industry members of the GAK provide cross-industry advice on research applications, in particular within the framework of industrial joint research (IGF). Members of the GAK include the DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie (non-profit professional society) as well as the Forschungsvereinigungen Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V. des DVS (research associations for bonding), FOSTA (steel applications) and the International Association for Technical Issues related to Wood - iVTH. The GAK’s tasks furthermore include the practical transfer of research results from IGF projects in the field of adhesives. This takes place, amongst other events, at the annual colloquium on adhesive technology.

Last modified on: 2019-08-20 07:15:54 UTC
Source: https://ivth.org/en/events_gak2019/


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