IN4WOOD - Industry 4.0 for Wood and Furniture Manufacturers

"Industry 4.0", the so-called fourth industrial revolution, is aimed at connecting the digital world of the Internet with the conventional processes and services of the manufacturing industry.

In order to be able to use the technologies of Industry 4.0, however, companies require sufficient knowledge concerning the appropriate information and communication technologies (ICT) as well as proficiency in data analysis and the integration of the data stream into the global value chain. The European Union and the nation states support the developments in the area of Industry 4.0 with their industrial policies and through research and infrastructure funding. In order to remain competitive, skilled personnel with sufficient qualifications in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) are required in the European wood and furniture sector. The project "IN4WOOD" from the European Union's ERASMUS+ program is aimed at developing and delivering training programs covering the basic technologies (KET) of Industry 4.0, in order to thereby expand the knowledge and skills of the employees from the wood and furniture industries in this field. The competitiveness of the mostly small and medium-sized companies should thereby be strengthened.

IN4WOOD is intended to strengthen the exchange of knowledge and the practical application of technologies around Industry 4.0 and to increase the recognition of certificates of competence at EU-level within the target sector. The main task of IN4WOOD is the development of a training program for vocational training and professional development (Vocational Education and Training, VET) in the wood and furniture industries, in order to support the understanding and application of the fundamental technologies of I4.0.

E-commerce, robotics, 3D printing, RFID sensors, product simulations, Internet security (cybersecurity), the Internet of Things and modern management systems are just a few examples of things which have radically changed the working life in recent years. IN4WOOD is intended to help strengthen the competitiveness of the wood and furniture industries through adaptation/modernization of vocational training. This should help to pave the way towards the "Factory of the Future" with the creation of new jobs.

The IN4WOOD project partners include technology providers and members of universities as well as organizations and associations from the wood and furniture industries. Coordinator is the Spanish furniture and technology center CETEM in Yecla. The participants are from Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Belgium and Germany. Germany is thereby represented through the KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and the iVTH.

An online survey in the field of the wood-based materials and furniture industries should show the current state of knowledge and interests regarding Industry 4.0.

In the meantime, training materials, e. g. in the form of short videos, have been developed by the project partners.

A pilot phase of the training paths starts in spring 2019:

The training paths allow a blended mix of both classroom and remote learning so all participants, at all levels from Students through to Senior Management can engage and learn in a module-based approach and can learn at their own speeds and around every day commitments.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Last modified on: 2019-05-09 09:07:52 UTC


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